Archive for the ‘True Torah Tales’ Category

  • Welcome to Mrs. Noah’s Web Site!

    Date: 2011.03.12 | Category: Mrs Noah's blog, True Torah Tales | Response: 0

    Dec. 25th 2011

    This has been an interesting day.  I sent out my Hanukkah story, a chapter from my book, “The Little Chicken That Could”, that includes some history of Israel.  It is amazing how Israel — ALL of the Hebrew family — kept bringing pagan traditions into the worship of Yahuwah!  Even though we have been admonished, over and over, NOT TO MIX, but to “come out of her my people!”  I pray you are warm, safe and blessed with the desire to know and serve the Almighty God of Israel! 

    Vayikra 2011-Levit 1:1-5:26

    As I watch the devastation in Japan, I can’t help but say, “Thank you Father!  There — but for YOUR mercy — go we!”  I have a hard time comprehending the pain and fear that is ruling in that land right now.
    Many have died — many more have to deal with the results of not knowing HIM — not keeping His commandments.

    I hope you read our story and find the answer to Louise’s question — “just what IS sin?”  Think you know?  Check it out.

    I pray blessings of Truth, and joy fill you and that His wings of love will protect you in these difficult days!  Thy will be done …

    Shabbat Shalom!  Mrs. Noah and the gang.

  • Week 23: Exodus 38-40

    Date: 2011.03.03 | Category: Mrs Noah's blog, True Torah Tales | Response: 0

    Week 23 Mrs. Noah Torah Times Family Torah Study

    P’kudei Exodus 38:21-40:38

    Thank all of you for your concerns for Libby, our little dachshund.  I have been giving her good nutrition to support her liver and kidneys, which I understand can shut down after antifreeze poisoning.   She is doing really well, almost her normal self.  My grandkids are sure happy!

    This weeks story takes Hannah and Max to the camps where they are preparing the materials for building the Tabernacle.  And, that Cecil?  Well, he …  oh, you can read the story!

    For those of you who got the TLC game, thank you in advance for your input.  I need that as we finish the final edit.  Hopefully, it will be available to purchase soon.

    Don’t forget, Passover is coming up, so look at our “Mrs. Noah’s Secret Seder” to help your children understand what a seder is and help you with your choices in preparing.

    Blessings, Mrs. Noah.

    P.S.  I just finished the final story for the 3 year cycle (that is stories going from Gen to Deut in 3 years).  At the end, I invite all of my readers to look at what I am doing NEXT.  IF you would like that story, let me know, I think it is an exciting conclusion — or is it an exciting new BEGINNING?.

  • True Torah Tales: week 47

    Date: 2010.08.25 | Category: Mrs Noah's blog, True Torah Tales | Response: 0

    47 Deut _11-26–16-17.pdf

    Hannah has learned a lot, watching how YHWH looks at His people.

    He LOVES our hearts! They are like the Holy of Holies – where He put His Laws. That is awesome news for flawed people – like me!

    As Isra’el prepares to enter the Promised Land – will they DO all that YHWH has instructed they do? Will Moshe’s words be forgotten? Yes, they were – and are – forgotten by so many. Remember the saying: “Please be patient, GOD isn’t finished with me yet?” Well, I want to remind you, everything is a test, and our GOD is not finished with us yet!

    So, the struggle to be happy – midst all we are seeing and trials we are dealing with – is still my focus.

    Here are some “smiles” sent this week: Turn your frown, upside down!

    Q. Who is the funniest man in the Bible?
    A. Samson, because he really brought down the house.

    Q. Why couldn’t Cain please YHWH with his offering?
    A. Because he just wasn’t “Abel”.

    Mary learned that YHWH said in His word that every hair on our head is numbered. So, while brushing her baby brothers hair, on a dry windy day, she amazed to see his hair flying up into the air! “Mommie” she cried. “There’s an angel counting the hair on Billy’s head!” _____________________________________________________________________________________ We will be traveling this week — would appreciate your prayers for safety, good health and wisdom!

    Shabbat Shalom!
    Mrs. Noah and the gang.

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Mrs. Noah, we just got back from Sukkot where Andrew enjoyed making his puppet with you and Hannah, and learning words in Hebrew! Have wonderful time at Hannukah in Florida! We will miss you!

"Your stories truly are a blessing and we are so thankful for all the work you put into your materials. Can't wait to hear more songs. I just loved the CD you made!"

"We just read 'In the Beginning' with our family and we are so happy to find material with YHWH in it. I wish you could have seen the look on my 7 ½ year old daughter’s face when she read it, she was so excited to read (the name) YHWH, unlike other material."


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